Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Summer!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop a line and let ya'll know I'm still around! ;-) Summer is a crazy season for us, and we have been having fun and getting things together to move as well! We will be moving within the next couple of months to a new home that we are buying. Its only about a mile from where we live now, but its in the county, we are currently in the city, so we are hoping for lower taxes!! It also has a great fenced in backyard for the children and dog to run around in. Stay tuned for updates. We sign the papers Thursday!!

On a different note, my children have turned into fish! My BABY, Maggie, will be three July 9 and she loves the water. Of course my older children do as well, but not one of them has been brave enough to venture out into the deep water by themselves this young. I'm sure the swimmies and the flotation device helped, but hey, she's two! She didn't want to open her eyes b/c of the glare, but the pic above is all the proof I need for her baby book.
Speaking of water, I am offering a free "Trash Your Dress" session to anyone who would like to help me with my portfolio. I have a couple of Brides who want to do this in August, but I want to do one now. If you have a dress and want a free shoot give me a call! I'll happily give you a free CD of edited images, and you can be "famous" on my website! 864-978-4327 or
I am getting in a new lens next week so I can't wait to try it out and post the pics. I also have posted new prices on my wedding packages page of my website. They include so much more than the older ones did, including a new slide show! I am very excited about this, and its so much fun to do!
I'd love to know what you are up to this summer! Drop me a couple of lines. See you soon!!
Matt 19:26