Tuesday, January 13, 2009


On our home school group email there is a fundraiser for a little boy named Misha. Misha is an orphan from Russia, sent to the US for medical care, and the family he has stayed with has fallen in love with him and wants to keep him. You can read the whole story here. I wanted to post this because I feel like it needs to be told and spread and told again! I am at a loss for words other than go check it out!! I am following the blog and praying for a miracle. I hope you will too.

ETA: I found a video! Ya'll know how I like videos!!! ;-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I feel so blessed -- God is good!!! I have great friends and family, and I am so excited to start a NEW year! A fresh start, a new beginning...anything can happen and I am hoping for positive things this year! I will be playing with my web site images, and updating wedding/portrait prices soon. If you want to lock in the current prices call me and we'll get those contracts signed right away. (864.978.4327)
I had a wonderful maternity session two days before Christmas. There is no way I can show just one or two images from this, so here is another slideshow. Hope you enjoy!!